Quiz:  TED talk on "Underwater Astonishments"

It's time to test your listening comprehension of David Gallow's TED Talk on "Underwater Astonishments."

You can either print out the quiz or simply write down your answers on a sheet of paper.

Quiz Questions

1. This adjective means that something is completely black and there is no light:


a.  very-black

b.  pitch-black

c.  perfect-black

d.  pale-black

2. Insects like fireflies and some fish have bio-luminescence (they give off or emit light). In the video, David Gallo says this helps these insects and fish to: (select ALL the correct answers)

a.  see in the dark

b.  hear larger animals

c.  avoid being eaten

d.  attract prey (other things to eat)

3. True or false. Some fish can use colors to hypnotize other fish with their colorful patterns.

a.  true

b.  false

4.  David Gallo talked about the octopus that could blend into the background. What does this mean?

a.  the octopus almost disappears so you cannot see him

b.  the octopus goes in circles like a blender

c.  the octopus swims backward very quickly to escape

d.  the octopus goes into a crevice in the coral

5.  In card games, like poker, players often bluff when the are playing the game. Bluffing in pokers means that you try to pretend that you have a better set of cards in your hand than you actually have.

a.  true

b.  false

Quiz Answers

1.  b

pitch-black is completely black without any light.

2.  a

David Gallo says bioluminescence helps some to avoid being eaten and some of them to attract prey.

3.  c

True! Some fish have designs that can hypnotize  their prey (they put the other fish in a sleep-like state or trance). He talked about the fish that had a pinwheel shaped design.

4.  a

The octopus blends into – or disappears – into the background. It becomes the same color and pattern as the background (which is coral rock in this example) and you cannot see the octopus very well. It looks just like the rock.

5.  a

True. Bluffing is trying to pretend you are stronger or have something stronger than what you have. In the video, the octopus tries to pretend like he’s super big by making a big brown spot that looks like an eye. But he’s not that big; he’s bluffing or pretending to be bigger than he is so that another animal or predator will not try to attack him.

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